MHS News 9-10-2014

Juniors ordering homecoming shirts need to see Ms. Turner or Ms. Hipps. All or-ders must be in and paid for TOMORROW at 3:00 p.m.
Juniors and Seniors: a representative from the Army National Guard will be here-TODAY in the library during 7th period. Sign up in the Guidance Office if you are interested
Prospective YLDP participants: Please remember to submit your YLDP membership packet and $24 program fee to Ms. Allen by Tues., Sept. 16!
Juniors: Are you interested in nurturing your leadership potential? If so, Youth Leadership Shelby County is seeking responsible, conscientious, and motivated stu-dents to be a part of this year’s program. Only a select number of applicants will be accepted. See Ms. Allen by Friday for an application.
Juniors: The Together Working For Change Youth Council is a county-wide pro-gram that uses student leaders to educate the community on the dangers of underage drinking and social hosting. Schools can select only two representatives, so see Ms. Allen by Friday if you would like to be considered.
Students: Would you like to get first-hand experience into a career in law enforce-ment? The Montevallo Police Explorer Program will hold an informational meeting Sept. 15 at Parnell Library from 6:30-8:30. Interested students, ages 15-20, should make plans to attend.
Seniors: ABC 33/40 and America’s First Federal Credit Union is looking to recog-nize 30 of the best and brightest students in Central Alabama. Nominees must have a minimum 3.5 GPA and be considered an outstanding student in athletics, band, citi-zenship, and/or fine arts. See Ms. Allen if you ‘d like to be considered.
There will be an important SGA meeting in Mrs. Pastor’s room during 7th period today. All officers and reps are expected to be there.
Please continue to vote today through 5 pm Zac Oden for Player of the Week
Don’t let Oak Mountain beat us out!
Senior homecoming and powder puff shirt orders and $ are due to Mrs. Eades no later than Friday, September 12th.
All homecoming court candidates must turn in their completed packets and $5 regis-tration fee to Mrs. Eades by 3PM on Friday. See your History teacher or Mrs. Eades to pick up a packet.

Any student interested in learning more about health-care related careers should consider the Exploring Program at Shelby Baptist Medical Center. The kick-off meeting is Wednesday, the 17th, and students who are interested can pick up the required forms from the Counseling Center and fax them to 620-7869. Okay, we’ve fallen behind….
We’ve obviously gotten Oak Mtn.’s attention because there is no doubt they have a concerted effort to win this thing, as do we. However, we’re going to make one last surge today to win this!!! Vote for Zac!!!

Sept. 11– KONA ICE
Sept. 15– Open House
6:30 pm
Lauren Groover
Dress up in your
orange and blue Dawg gear this
Friday for spirit day as we support the football team playing Holt Ironmen at home

About Anita Glover

I am a alumni of Montevallo High and the University of Montevallo. I have been a teacher at Montevallo Elementary for 10 years, a librarian at Creek View Elementary for 5 years and have been the librarian at Montevallo High School for several years now. It's exciting to be working at the same school I went to many years ago.

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