MHS News 10/08/2014

All Sr. announcement orders are due to Campus Recognition by Oct.17 th. After this date, no forms will be accepted. Students have the option of ordering on line at Web orders will be accepted one week past the above date. Srs.: Please be reminded that cap & gowns can only be ordered through Josten’s office not online.
All Flu Mist permission forms must be turned in TODAY to your history teachers.
Fishing Team meeting TODAY 7th period in the cafeteria.
Due to late start today, First Priority will meet in the morning.
Students: The PSAT will be administered on Oct. 15. The test fee is $15, and in-terested students should sign up with Ms. Allen by tomorrow. Space is limited!
Juniors need to turn in their “We are Montevallo” Field trip permission slips and money to Ms. Turner or Ms. Jones by Friday, Oct. 10.
Would you like to have a collection of Homecoming 2014 Pictures for $10.00? See Mrs. Cabrera or your math teacher.
October 20-23 will be the Student vs. Teacher Dodge ball games in honor of Sen-ior Night. Please see Ms. Jones (Room 109) about signing up for this event. Don’t miss the opportunity to beat your “favorite” teachers.
Participation is $5. Admission is $2.
Congratulations to Meredith Goggins for being named an “ABC 33/40 First Class Student of the Week”! Meredith’s commercial will begin airing in December.
Sophomores interested in being the MHS HOBY representative: Remember to submit your essays to Ms. Allen by Friday.
Juniors and Seniors: A representative from Jacksonville State University will be on campus Friday, Oct. 10 during 7th period in the library. Interested students should sign up in the Guidance Office.
School pictures have been changed to Oct. 23. Class Favorites & Who’s Who will be taken that day as well.
All Sr. announcement orders are due to Campus Recognition by Oct.17 th. After this date, no forms will be accepted. Students have the option of ordering on line at Web orders will be accepted one week past the above date. Srs.: Please be reminded that cap & gowns can only be ordered through Josten’s office not online.
All Flu Mist permission forms must be turned in TODAY to your history teachers.
10/9– AP Hist /Sci Club FT
10/10– NHS Mayor Breakfast
Football @ Bibb County
HOBY essays due
10/13 No School for Students
Teacher Workday
10/14– Parenting Day
Last Home VB Game
5 pm Sr. Night
10/15– Jr. FT Ebenezeer
10/16- Jr. FT American
VB @ Jemmison
10/17- KONA ICE
Jr. FT um/ Swamp
Sr. Announcements
Orders due to Campus
10/23– School Pictures
10/24– FB @ Home Northside

About Anita Glover

I am a alumni of Montevallo High and the University of Montevallo. I have been a teacher at Montevallo Elementary for 10 years, a librarian at Creek View Elementary for 5 years and have been the librarian at Montevallo High School for several years now. It's exciting to be working at the same school I went to many years ago.

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