MHS News 5/20/2015

*Please remember to clean out your lockers. Any items left
will be thrown out TOMORROW.
*TODAY is the last day to purchase any plants from the
Agriscience Department, please see Mr. Ray for super
discounted prices!
*Anyone taking AP Biology next year, please see Coach Colley.
*Students: If you completed an application for the Shelby County College & Career Center during course pre-registration in March, please see Ms. Allen for your decision letters before you leave this week.

About Anita Glover

I am a alumni of Montevallo High and the University of Montevallo. I have been a teacher at Montevallo Elementary for 10 years, a librarian at Creek View Elementary for 5 years and have been the librarian at Montevallo High School for several years now. It's exciting to be working at the same school I went to many years ago.

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