MHS News 8/24/2015

Bulldogs won in overtime 28-27!! Congratulations!
..Defensive Player of the game goes to Jackson Hughes
..Offensive Player of the game goes to Daqwan Bryant
..Sp. Teams Player of the game goes to Diego Martinez
..The Bulldog ā€œHammerā€ of the game goes to Undraez Lilly for the hardest hit. ā€œGreat game Bulldogsā€
National Honor Society meeting tomorrow during 7th period.
Fall School pictures for all grades 9-12 & Sr. portrait make-ups (formal only) will be tomorrow.
FBLA meeting TODAY during 7th period in Room 205. All old & new members need to be present.
If you signed up for Future Teachers last week during Rush, see Mrs. Cabrera today!
Current members of Future Teachers, you have a meeting tomorrow night at 6:00 in cafƩ.
If you submitted a Big Brother Big Sister application, you will receive your interview ap-pointment card today. Failure to show up for your interview will result in automatic remov-al. See Ms. Allen if you have any questions once you get your card. Select teachers will get an email about participating students.
The Sophomore Homecoming Committee will meet today during 7th Period in Mrs.
Gothardā€™s room.
8/25- Sr. Portrait Make-up
8/27- Volleyball home 5 pm
Bibb County
8/28- Football Home
7 pm Francis Marion
Chris Perez
Heidi Salazar

About Anita Glover

I am a alumni of Montevallo High and the University of Montevallo. I have been a teacher at Montevallo Elementary for 10 years, a librarian at Creek View Elementary for 5 years and have been the librarian at Montevallo High School for several years now. It's exciting to be working at the same school I went to many years ago.

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