MHS News 9/8/2015

*Congratulations to Amanda Buttgereit, Trudie Benson, and Miriam Hernandez on being elected the new Freshman Class SGA representatives for this school year! All three need to meet with Mrs. Pastor in her classroom today during 7th period.
*Homecoming Week is next week!!!! Homecoming Committees should be working on their floats, walls, and skits for next week. You may begin decorating halls and floats at any time.
*Sign up this week to play volleyball and or dodgeball in the Homecoming tournaments next week. $3 to play either tournament, or only $5 to play both. Sign up and pay your grade level homecoming sponsor.
*Sign up this week to play powderpuff football next week! $5 to play (girls), coach (boys), or cheer (boys). See Coach Niven to pay and sign up.
*Homecoming Court voting will take place in your history class TODAY! The final court will be announced on tomorrow mornings announcements.
*Attention Students: Many of the 7th period placements have changed. All students will get a new schedule today during 3rd period.
*Juniors and Seniors: A representative from Auburn University will be in the library during 7th period today. Please stop by the Guidance Office by 5th period to sign up. Other visits this week include the University of Alabama Huntsville and the University of South Alabama.
*Teachers and Students: The Blueprints sessions for juniors will begin this Thursday and they will take place in the 7th period junior classrooms. Teachers, you received the Blue-prints schedule in your boxes last week. Please help ensure participation from your classes.
*Students: The NACAC College Fair will take place at the BJCC this Sunday from 1:00-4:00. Please take advantage of this opportunity and register on-line. More info can be found in the Guidance Office.
Emily Blakeman
Abby Hamer
Juan Garc

About Anita Glover

I am a alumni of Montevallo High and the University of Montevallo. I have been a teacher at Montevallo Elementary for 10 years, a librarian at Creek View Elementary for 5 years and have been the librarian at Montevallo High School for several years now. It's exciting to be working at the same school I went to many years ago.

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