MHS News 10/9/2015

7PM Adm: $6.00
Ticket pre-sale today during school hours in the main
office $6.00 You may enter thru the Pass Gate with pre-sold tickets
The Spirit Line will form tonight behind Jack’s at 5.
*Support FBLA during the March of Dimes fundraiser by purchasing a short or long sleeve t-shirt. Shirts will be on sale through Nov. 1
$10.00 short sleeve
$ 12.00 long sleeve
Shirts can be purchased tonight at the game or in Mrs. Nunn’s room.
*ACT study session for seniors Sunday, October 18th from 2:00 – 4:00 in Mrs. Cabrera’s Room. Sign- Up in Mrs. Cabrera’s room or with Mrs. Allen in the counselor’s office.
*Sophomores: A counselor from the Shelby County College and Career Center will conduct a brief presentation for interested students during 7th period in the PAC , Oct. 16. Come hear about the career and technical programs that are available to you.
*Juniors and Seniors: Do you have a minimum 3.0 GPA and 20 ACT? If so, did you know that Berea College can offer you a tuition-free education? Interested students who meet these criteria should see Ms. Allen for an opportunity to have an exclusive meeting with a Berea representative on Oct. 15.
The library will be closed this morning during 2nd, 3rd and 4th periods
First Priority every Thursday at 7:15

About Anita Glover

I am a alumni of Montevallo High and the University of Montevallo. I have been a teacher at Montevallo Elementary for 10 years, a librarian at Creek View Elementary for 5 years and have been the librarian at Montevallo High School for several years now. It's exciting to be working at the same school I went to many years ago.

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