MHS News 10/23/2015

Come show your support for the Dawgs!
*Attention 10th Grade Students: You are invited to take part in a field trip to the Shelby County College & Career Center on Nov. 12 in order to tour the campus and find out more about the exciting career tech programs that are available. Permission forms will be available in your history classes this week and completed forms are due back to Ms. Allen by Nov. 6 ā€“ No exceptions.
*Sophomores: Would you like to attend a 3-day leadership conference designed to enhance your leadership skills in your school, home, and community? If so, see Ms. Allen about an opportunity to represent MHS at the 2016 HOBY Leadership Seminar at Troy University.
*Support FBLA during the March of Dimes fundraiser by purchasing a short or long sleeve t-shirt.
Shirts will be on sale through Nov. 1 $10.00 short sleeve $ 12.00 long sleeve Shirts can be purchased in Mrs. Nunnā€™s room.
*Be sure to turn in your ā€œGive Me Fiveā€ hours to your History teacher for your grade so you can count your October service hours for possible pizza. You will turn in your signed, orange form November 2nd to get October credit hours and pizza if you earned at least 5 service hours this month. Ask your history teacher or Mrs. Glover if you need clarification.
*Juniors: Please remember that the signed Blueprints covenants are due to Ms. Allen by Wed., Oct. 28. You must turn in your form before you can be considered for the Blueprints Field Trip to Troy Univ. next month. No excep-tions!

About Anita Glover

I am a alumni of Montevallo High and the University of Montevallo. I have been a teacher at Montevallo Elementary for 10 years, a librarian at Creek View Elementary for 5 years and have been the librarian at Montevallo High School for several years now. It's exciting to be working at the same school I went to many years ago.

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