MHS News 11/17/2015

*Congratulations to the Boys JV, Varsity girls and Varsity boys basketball teams for their victories in their first game this season against Jefferson Christian Academy. The basketball team will have their first home game Thursday night against Jemison High School. The Boys JV will start at 4:30 followed by the varsity girls@6:00 and varsity boys @7:30. Come out and support your dogs.
*The lunchroom will be serving the annual ā€œThanksgiving Mealā€ tomorrow. Please make plans to eat in the lunchroom.
*The Boys soccer tryouts will be held today & tomorrow from 5-7 on the football field.
*Students, remember to get your forms signed for you November Community Service hours. The November service hours are due December 2nd. You MUST turn in your ā€œGive Me Fiveā€ hours for your grade to your history teacher in order for your November hours to count for prizes.
*Attention Students: The Stand Up Program is hosting a talent show on Dec. 19. If you or your group are interested in performing, please see Ms. Allen for an entry packet. The deadline to apply for entering the show is Dec. 15.
*Attention Students: The Shelby County College & Career Center will host a Career Expo TOMORROW from 5:30-7:00. College and Industry representatives will be on hand to speak with students and parents. There will also be free food!
*The Battle of the Books selection test will be December 9th , less than a month away. If youā€™d like to try-out for the team, be sure to finish reading the books by December 9th. They will be great reads over the Thanksgiving break!
*Come enjoy a creepy, yet humorous evening of theatre TONIGHT as the Theatre I class and the MHS Moonlight Players present two short plays focusing on the Father of the Short Story, Edgar Allan Poe. Tickets will $5 at the door. Begins at 7 pm
*FBLA will be sponsoring a volleyball game for the March of Dimes on Friday. Cost to play is $4 and $2 to watch. They will be collecting money to play during lunch beginning tomorrow thru Friday. Tickets for admission will be sold only Friday during lunch.
*Baseball tryouts will be held the week of Nov.30 . All paperwork must be turned in to Coach Simpson ASAP.
*First Priority every Thursday at 7:15
Ahmad Edwards

About Anita Glover

I am a alumni of Montevallo High and the University of Montevallo. I have been a teacher at Montevallo Elementary for 10 years, a librarian at Creek View Elementary for 5 years and have been the librarian at Montevallo High School for several years now. It's exciting to be working at the same school I went to many years ago.

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