*The Montevallo Day of Pageants will be held Saturday, Feb. 6. If you are interested in becoming the next Miss Montevallo please come by the office and get an entry form or see Mrs. McCaleb in room 201. All entry forms and payments must be turned in by Friday, Jan. 29th. All girls in grades 9-12 may participate.
*Seniors: Remember that Jan. 6 is the deadline to submit Graduation Name Cards to Ms. Allen. Unless you express otherwise, your name, as it is spelled in school records, will be used to order your diploma. Also, the January edition of the Senior Newsletter is now available in the library, guidance office, or Ms. Allen’s blog and it features important financial aid information.
*Seniors: A representative from Jefferson State Community College will be available during the lunch waves on Tues., Jan. 12.
*Attention Students: With course pre-registration approaching, MHS will hold a Course Selection Parent Night on Thurs., Jan. 14 at 6PM in the PAC. New and important information will be shared regarding course offerings and opportunities for next school year.
*Students: The ASVAB will be administered at MHS on Jan. 21. The ASVAB is for any student considering a military career or for any student who simply wants to take advantage of a great career assessment. Interested 10th, 11th, or 12th grade students should sign up with Ms. Allen by Jan. 15.
*Sophomores: Please check your Google Drive for important information regarding the upcoming Career Awareness Fair. You must use the email to answer the questionnaire in order to register for your two career clusters.
*Community Service forms for the month of December are due this Thursday
*There will be a basketball game tonight starting at 5:00pm with the 6th grade youth team. Jv Boys basketball will start @6 and varsity boys will start at 7:00 tonight. There will be no girls game tonight.