*Today begins Teacher Appreciation Week. Did you know that your teacher doesn’t get paid to grade your work? They spend on the average 10 to 15 hours on the weekend to grade your work and plan for classes.
*Anyone running for SGA officer or representative needs to get their completed applications with teacher reference signatures in as soon as possible to Mrs. Pastor so you can begin campaigning.
*There will be a brief SGA meeting at the beginning of 7th period today in Mrs. Pastor’s room.
*Ok students, now is the time to knock the teachers down from their title! Faculty/ Student Basketball game is back on! Wednesday, $5.00 to play and must be turned in to Coach D by TOMORROW.!
*MHS will have an Alumni Basketball game on May 7 at 6pm in Susie Dement Gymnasium. See Coach Grayson for more information
*Awards Day will be May 13th at 1:00. Doors open at 12:30 for family and guest.
19 Days to Summer Break