This week @ MHS Volleyball Tourn. 10/6 Parade & Pep Rally 10/6 Dodge Ball Tourn. 10/7 Game 10/7 Bulldogs host Oakman 7pm
Homecoming Activities for the week: Mon- ‘Merica Day Tues- Too Old Tuesday Wed– Gender Blender Thurs– Spirit Day (Orange/Blue) Fri– Blackout Day (HC t-shirts )
JRS: Youth Leadership Shelby County applications due Wed. To Ms. Allen.
Students are reminded that no one should be parking in the old student lot behind the AB building. All parking spots are currently sold and student should have tag displayed. Those without a tag are subject to being towed at your expense.
Be sure to turn in your community service hours to your history teacher this week for any hours you have completed since April 1st. Mrs. Glover will get them and will keep a track of them. Each month a student will be selected as Community Service Leader of the month. Once you have turned in 20 hours, you will receive The MHS Volunteer t-shirt. Seniors who have turned in 75 hours by March 31, may apply for a $500 scholarship. Get your form filled out and turn those hours in next week.
Students: Interested in a medical career? If so, the Hospital Explorer Program’s Open House, TOMORROW at 6 p.m. at Shelby Baptist Medical Center. Application packets are outside Ms. Allen’s office.