MHS News 2/27/2019

Orders for cap & gown pictures are due by Monday, March 4 to Mrs. Fricke, room 115

Cheer tryout paperwork is due to Mrs. Fine in room 206 TODAY. All current cheerleaders must have their uniforms also turned in TODAY.

The senior ad deadline for yearbook has been extended through Friday.  Also, yearbooks are still for sale. Get yours before they are sold out!

There will be NO Archery team practice this Thursday. Archery practice will instead be after school this Friday. Archery practice will also meet next Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday after school. Permission slips and entry fee payments for the regional tournament will also be due next Friday, March 8th.

FIT February Fact: When our minds are filled with stressful thoughts, our bodies become stressed. Focusing on body processes can help calm mental activity, which in turn can result in physical relaxation.

Students, please remember that NO head coverings including hoods, hats, scarfs, or bandannas are allowed in the building.

Prom tickets on sale through Monday. Couples’ tickets are $100. Single tickets are $65. You may purchase tickets any day during 5th period only in Mrs. Carter’s room. See Mrs. Carter for tux rental & dress coupons!

Attention Juniors: There will be a Spring College Fair at UM on March 6 and all juniors are invited. You can get your permission form from your English teacher and they are due back to Ms. Allen by Monday.

Attention Students: Did you know that Montevallo has a Safe Place site at Parnell Library? Safe Place offers locations for youth in crisis to visit in order to connect with a licensed Safe Place agency. Look for the yellow and black flyers around school for more licensed sites.

Attention Students: Please be reminded that your Course Selection Forms, CTech applications and Big Brothers Big Sisters applications. are due by FRIDAY .

Attention Juniors and Seniors: Representatives from the University of Montevallo Exercise and Nutrition Science Dept. will be on campus to meet with interested students TOMORROW. Students interested in careers in health and wellness, physical therapy, and personal training to name a few, should plan to attend. You will meet in the library during Senior GPS. Sign up in the Guidance Office by TODAY.

About Anita Glover

I am a alumni of Montevallo High and the University of Montevallo. I have been a teacher at Montevallo Elementary for 10 years, a librarian at Creek View Elementary for 5 years and have been the librarian at Montevallo High School for several years now. It's exciting to be working at the same school I went to many years ago.

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