Happening This Week
Mon– Girls’ Basketball Tryouts
Tues– Softball Regional Tourn
Girls’ Basketball Tryouts
Wed– Sem. Pre Checkout Forms
Softball Regional Tourn
VB Tyrouts
Thurs– VB Tryouts
Choir Concert
Fri– VB Tryouts
Congratulations to Prom King Kobe Cottingham and Prom Queen Isaura Hernadez !
ALL fees are now past due ! Class fees must be paid online @ MySchoolBucks.com.
Volleyball Tryouts will be Wed thru Fri, May 11-13. Upcoming 9th and 10th graders from 3:30-5:00 and upcoming 11th and 12th graders from 5:00-6:30.
Girls’ Basketball Tryouts will be today and tomorrow from 3:30-5:00. All grades.
Summer School signed letters are due ASAP Any questions about Summer School should be directed to Mr. Reed at jreed@shelbyed.org.
Semester Pre-Check out forms are due back to the office no later than Wed., May 11 3 pm. Failure to turn forms in by May 11 @ 3 pm will result in regular checkout procedures being followed. NO EXCEPTIONS!! Srs. Forms are different as their tests will be 5/16-5/19. Under classmen test will begin 5/23-5/26
Tickets to the 2022 Sr. Athletic Banquet are now on sale for $20 each for family & friends. Tickets
may be purchased on MySchoolBucks.com through May 15, 2022.
If you are interested in running for next year’s Student Government and missed the meeting on Friday during LEAD, pick up information from outside Ms. Pastor’s room #107. Completed applications are due by Wednesday, May 11, 2022.