Bulldogs will host Southside Selma 1st Round of Play-offs Fri. Nov. 4 at Home 7 pm Come show your support!
Be sure to turn your October community service hours in to Mrs. Glover this week.
Boys Soccer try-outs today, Tues, & Wed after school at the field located across the creek at Orr Park.
Sophomores: Today is the deadline to submit your essay to Ms. Allen if you are interested in representing
MHS at the HOBY Leadership Seminar in 2017.
* Beginning tomorrow MHS will participate in Alabama College Application Campaign Week:
11/1– College Pride Day. Wear your gear of your favorite college or university
11/1 & 11/2– application days for srs.
Yearbooks are now on sale for $50. Only 100 copies will be ordered, so purchase yours today before they
are all gone.