Only 1 week left to purchase your Prom tickets @ $30.00. Beginning March 1 price will increase to $40.00 each.
Broadcast team applications are due Monday.
8th Grade Parent Night will be held at MHS on Tuesday, Feb. 25 at 6:00 in the PAC. Please spread the word if you have siblings in middle school.
Girls interested in trying out for the 2014-2015 varsity cheerleading squad should pick up an information packet in the front office. All paperwork is due to Ms. Pritchett by 3:00 on Monday, March 31st. Tryouts are April 1-4th.
All first semester Art students: if you made a mask and it did not sell you may pick it up from Mrs. Whitson’s room today. After today the masks will be thrown away.
There will be a Nation Art Honor Society meeting today after school. If you have not paid your $10 dues please bring them to the meeting.
“Above the Influence” will be held 7th period on Thursdays