The HC Volleyball Tournament from last week is scheduled for this Friday! We need to have at least
6 players per grade level in order to have the tournament. If we don’t have enough participation, we
will not be able to have the tournament and it will be a regular school day. Players must pay $3 to
their grade level HC sponsor and bring in a permission form by TOMORROW in order to play. If
players are playing in the HC Dodgeball Tournament they can pay $5 for both tournaments.
*Parents: Flu vaccines for students will be given Oct. 20. You child has been given a permission form to receive the vaccine for free. Please sign and return to the school nurse by Oct. 13.
Jrs. will meet tomorrow for class ring information.
*Coin drop and canned food drive will continue through Friday Sept. 29. Points still counting for homecoming week!
*The Powder Puff game has been moved to Thursday September 28th.
*There will be an interest meeting for Destination Imagination TODAY after school from 3:15 – 4:15 in Mrs. Gothard’s room 114.
*Juniors and Seniors: A representative from the Univ of Montevallo will be on campus TOMORROW during Senior GPS to meet with interested students.
*Seniors: The deadline to have your UM College Fair permission forms to Ms. Allen is TOMORROW
*Anyone interested in joining pep club see Coach D. Membership fee is $35.
*FCCLA will meet in Mrs. Carter’s room at 3:05 for a 30 minute meeting TODAY
*The Birmingham Chess Challenge will be held this Saturday at Asbury United Methodist Church on Cahaba Valley Road. To register for this event, see Mrs. Hinton TODAY
*Attention Big Brothers Big Sisters Mentors: A second mandatory meeting will be held TODAY at 11:45 in the PAC. Please be sure to bring any remaining reference forms needed to complete your packet.
*After school detention TODAY 3-4 in Coach McCaleb’s room.
*The following students need to see Mrs.. Cabrera to have their pictures taken. Ahtziri Chavez, Hayden Dennis, Davion Gilbert
*FBLA will meet today at 3:05 in Ms. Nunn’s room
*Don’t be a lukewarm Christian…get on fire for God! Come to 1st Priority in the morning. 7:15 in Mrs. Cabrera’s room.