The ability to convert fractions to decimals to percents is an important skill at this point in our curriculum. Today’s lesson focused on this skill. Students were given the attached activity which we worked #1-5 together. The remainder of the problems were given as homework for tonight!
Monthly Archives: January 2015
Wednesday, January 7th
Students learned to convert fractions to percents today during class. Students learned how to set up equivalent fractions with denominators of 100 in order to make the conversion to a percent (%).
Skills Practice Fractions as Percents HW for 1-7-2015
Tuesday, January 6th
Continuing in our percentages unit, students learned how to convert percentages to decimals and decimals to percentages. Students have extensive notes in their math journal and many examples we worked together during class.
Skills Practice Percents and Decimals HW for 1-6-2015
Monday, January 5th
Welcome back to all our students! I certainly hope your holiday break was both exciting and restful! Glad to be back at school and in a routine!
We began our unit on Percents today in class. Students learned to convert percents to fractions. Pretty easy calculations……take a look:
Whenever you see a % sign, always put that number over 100 as a fraction. Reduce the fraction to lowest terms!
Students should have many examples from today’s lesson to use as procedures to complete their homework tonight. Homework consists of both front & back pages.
Skills Practice Percents as Fractions (front) 1-5-15