We are rounding out our study of the coordinate plane with a big gold test this Wednesday, November 7th, on the following skills:
- defining integers
- identifying integers for real-life situations
- solving for absolute value of integers
- identifying and labeling parts of the coordinate plane
- graphing ordered pairs on the coordinate plane
- identifying quadrants on the coordinate plane
Students created a very detailed foldable that was glued into their math notebooks today in class. This should provide them with a terrific resource for their homework as well as they begin to prepare for their gold test on Wednesday. Here are the notes we took today in class:

Study guides will be given out on Tuesday and worked Tuesday in class. If a student does not finish it in class, it will be for homework. And as always, the review of the study guide is expected the night before the test.
Skills Practice The Coordinate Plane pCP12 HW for 11-05-2018