Wednesday, October 11th

Students continued with their study of converting Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers and Mixed Numbers back to Improper Fractions. We reviewed the steps in making these conversions from the notes they took on Tuesday in their bright orange foldable. The notes we reviewed were as follows:

Students worked in partner groups today as they practiced this skill. Their work in partners was taken for a classwork grade today.

No homework for Wednesday night! Enjoy your evening!


Tuesday, October 10th

The focus of our lesson on Tuesday was learning to convert Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers and then to convert Mixed Numbers back to Improper Fractions. Students created a bright orange foldable to glue into their math notebook. Within this foldable, students took down the procedures for this skill. Here’s the notes they took down from the board:

Once our notes were complete, the students worked many examples together whole group to ensure everyone understood the steps in each process. Homework for Tuesday night is assigned below:

Converting Improper Fractions & Mixed Numbers pg2 HW 10-10-2017