Wednesday, December 11th & FINAL EXAMS!!!!!!


The first two pages of the Final Exam Study Guide were given to students today in class. Students were encouraged to utilize their math notebook to help them review skills and complete the study guide. After our pop quiz on algebraic expressions, students were given the rest of time in class to begin working on the study guide. Any items not completed in class need to be completed at home tonight for homework.

I have attached the first two pages of the study guide below in case your student cannot find their copy. Pages three & four will be distributed in class on Thursday. Students should plan to have all four pages completed by Friday so we can review them in class and clear up any questions or misconceptions they may have before exams begin next week!

I have also attached a copy of the exam schedule for you & your student to determine when their exam is next week!

Only six more days until the holidays! We can do it! HMS is the BEST!!!!!