We have practice today and will dismiss at 4:30pm. Students should be picked up by this time. We are off the week of November 9th. Have a great week!
Daily Archives: November 2, 2010
Week of November 1 – 5
Monday, November 1st
SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 23, Section 3, “Americans Join the Allies”; students will examine the toll the war was taking on Allied troops when America entered the conflict;
outline Chapter 23, Section 3; define key terms for Chapter 23, Section 3
SCIENCE: Students will complete their study guide on Chapter 16, Sections 3, 4 and 5; class will begin to share answers to study guide and clarifications will be made
study for Chapter 16 test on Wednesday!
Tuesday, November 2nd
SOCIAL STUDIES: Students will spend first 5 minutes of class brainstorming answers to precomposed outline of Ch 23-3; students will utilize textbook to accurately complete outline; turn in at end of class for a grade;
SCIENCE: complete study guide review; students to play Jeopardy as review activity;
study for Chapter 16 test on Wednesday
Wednesday, November 3rd
SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 23, Section 4, “The War at Home”; students will begin to understand how the war effected industry in America as well as everyday Americans; music of George M. Cohan, “Over There” and other popular music of wartime;
SCIENCE: Test on Chapter 16, Sections 3, 4, and 5; students should bring their COMPLETED study guide with them to class;
Thursday, November 4th
SOCIAL STUDIES: continued class discussion of how the war in Europe affected Americans at home; student viewing and analyzing WWI posters and how they were used to encourage American patriotism;
study for Ch 23, Sections 3 & 4 quiz on Friday;
SCIENCE: Lab today, “How does hail form?”; students will work in lab together in groups to complete experiment and record observations
Friday, November 5th
SOCIAL STUDIES: Quiz on Chapter 23, Sections 3 & 4; when all students complete quiz, we will analyze some political cartoons to determine the message the author is trying to send the reader;
SCIENCE: We will continue our study of weather in Chapter 17, Section 1.