Week of February 7-11

Our study of World War II is finally drawing to a close as we consider the Battle of Midway, the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the Japanese surrender on August 15, 1945.

Our WWII EXAM will be given on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9th!!
Students must bring their completed study guide to turn in with their exam. Please see our homework for the week below:

Monday, February 7th……….re-write study guide (question & answer) for #1 – #29. It is due Tuesday in class and it will be taken for a grade.

Tuesday, February 8th……….re-write study guide (question & answer) for #30- #43, including the island and city chart as well as the chart on the last page of the study guide. It is due in class Wednesday.

Wednesday, February 9th……….no homework

Thursday, Februrary 10th……….no homework

Friday, February 11th……….no homework

Good luck on the exam this week! Remember our motto: Work hard!