Our classes wrapped up our study of solid figures today! Today, students turned in their 3-page packet that they began working on during class on Monday. We worked with actual polyhedron shapes as we mastered our learning on faces, edges and vertices of polyhedrons.
Workbook pg. 57, Lesson 10-6, Solid Figures……..students may need to refer to their textbooks (Chapter 10, Section 6) in order to answer #4, #5, #6
The 7th Grade Advanced Math Placement Test will be administered on Thursday, May 3rd and Friday, May 4th during our math classes.
Please remember our field trip on Monday, May 7th! Please verify with your student if they will bring a lunch from home or purchase one from our lunch room. Students have already indicated to me their choice, but please make sure with them before they head out the door on Monday morning!!!!!