As a fun activity to reinforce our study of the Cartesian Plane (also known as the coordinate plane), students are working on a graphing packet that will result in some pretty interesting pictures! The instructions to 4 graphs were given to students today along with 4 blank graphs. Students must plot each ordered pair and then “connect the dots” to create a picture of a specfic item. The name of each graph is a great clue!
The entire graphing packet IS NOT FOR HOMEWORK !!!!!!!!!! However, I will take the packet up for a grade either Friday (1st, 2nd, 3rd periods) or Monday (7th and 8th periods). With that in mind, I encouraged students to work diligently during their classtime today, to work on SOME of it tonight, and then complete their work tomorrow during class.
Let me make sure I am crystal clear with my homework instructions for Thursday night, May 10th………
THE ENTIRE PACKET IS NOT DUE AS YOU WALK IN THE DOOR ON FRIDAY. We will have the entire period to finish working on the packet, so I encourage you to work on SOME of the packet tonight so you will not be overwhelmed during class on Friday.