This week on the Green Team we will review our skills with dividing decimals with whole numbers and with other decimals. As we focus more on the Common Core Standards, students will begin to apply the methods & procedures we learn during class to real-world situations.
Monday, September 17th……Panther PowerUps Quiz as homework; all problems
Panther PowerUp Quiz for HW
Tuesday, September 18th……Glencoe Skills Practice #1-10
Glencoe Skills Practice HW 9-18-2012
Wednesday, September 19th……Dividing Decimals by Decimals worksheet; all problems
Dividing Decimals by Decimals HW 9-19-2012
Thursday, September 20th……TBA (to be announced)
Friday, September 21st……none
Have a terrific weekend! Hope your favorite team wins!!
Roll Tide!!