Week of April 8-12

Continuing in our geometry unit, our focus this week will center around triangles, quadrilaterals, area & perimeter. If you feel that your student needs extra study on these topics, please log in to your online textbook and review Chapter 8, Lesson 2 which covers these topics. The Interactive Classroom & Online Tutor are terrfic resources to reinforce skills learned in class!

Monday, April 8th……..Skills Practice/Homework Practice on “Triangles” (front & back)
Skills Practice Triangles (front) HW for 4-8-2013
Homework Practice Triangles (back) HW for 4-8-2013
Tuesday, April 9th……..Skills Practice/Homework Practice “Properties of Quadrilaterals” (front & back)
Skills Practice Quadrilaterals (front) HW for 4-9-2013
Homework Practice Quadrilaterals (back) HW for 4-9-2013
Wednesday, April 10th……..no homework
Thursday, April 11th……..In-class project
Friday, April 12th………In-class project

Enjoy your weekend!! Get some sun on your face!!