No homework for Thursday Night!!!!!!
Roll Tide!!!!!
No homework for Thursday Night!!!!!!
Roll Tide!!!!!
Students worked very diligently today in class as they continued to solve addition & subtraction equations.
No homework was assigned for tonight, however if students did not complete their classwork, it is to be completed before their class tomorrow.
Skills Practice Solve & Write Addition Equations
Skills Practice Write & Solve Subtraction Equations
Students began learning a new skill today……solving 1-step equations. On the surface, the skill looks relatively easy as students want to work the problems out in their heads. However, I have taught them a very specific way to solve the problems which will aid them as they move into more complex equations. Needless to say, students were frustrated with the process however in their best interest, I am insisting students show their work in the format we discussed in class.
HOMEWORK for Tuesday Night, November 5th
Textbook pg. 325 #7-15
Textbook pg. 330 #6-11
Students completed their study of the Distributive Property today in class after their PowerUps Quiz #3.
Homework for Monday Night, Nov 4th
ReTeach The Distributive Property HW for 11-4-2013
Remember to show your work!!!! A portion of the points for this homework will be based on whether you showed your work or not!!