Tuesday, October 4th Answer Key for Study Guide and BENCHMARK EXAM

Students checked over pg1 of their study guide today in class and made any necessary corrections. Time was given in class to complete pg2 of the study guide. Please have your student check their answers for the entire study guide with the Answer Key attached below. The study guide will be taken up on Wednesday before the exam!

First Nine Weeks Benchmark Exam will be given Wednesday, October 5th


Monday, October 3rd and BENCHMARK EXAM

Students learned how to divide fractions with other fractions today in class! I showed them the “Keep, Switch, Flip” method of dividing. Pretty interesting stuff!

Students were given a 2 page study guide to begin preparing for Wednesday’s benchmark! Page 1 will be for homework on Monday night, page 2 is for homework on Tuesday night. As always, students should show their work!!!!!


1st Nine Weeks Benchmark will be given Wednesday, October 5th!!!!