Scholars’ Bowl for Tuesday, January 25th

We will have practice against the 7th grade team in Mrs. Watford’s room (B212) until 4:30pm. Please make sure your student is picked up in front of the school at 4:30pm!

Remember we have county-wide tournament next Thursday, February 3rd at the Shelby County Instructional Services Center in Alabaster. Students will go straight to the SCISC instead of coming to HMS on that day. If you have not received a letter explaing the procedures for February 3rd, please email me at and I will make certain a copy gets home to you!

Thanks for sharing your child with me this school year! I have enjoyed working with such a terrific (and silly!) group of students!

Week of January 24-28

The D-Day Invasion, the Battle of the Bulge, V-E Day for Europe…these pivotal battles will be our topics of discussion this week as we continue our study of World War II. During classtime, we are constantly “squeezing” the most we can out of our 50 minutes together. And even with all this “squeezing”, we still need a few additional minutes to complete the day’s work. For this reason, we will have homework several nights this week. I have listed homework below with the understanding that we may have to adjust the need to work at home according to how much we get accomplished in class. Please remind your student to double check the homework chart on the whiteboard to ensure homework assignments have not changed! I will also remind them each day during class!

    Monday, January 24th

Chapter 26, all 5 sections for Key Terms will be due Tuesday, January 25th. This homework was assigned last Thursday and students were encouraged to work on it in their spare time.

    Tuesday, January 25th

Students will complete their maps, “Europe During WWII”; these maps will be due at the beginning of class Wednesday, January 26th.

    Wednesday, January 26th

no homework

    Thursday, January 27th

Students will complete a Guided Reading Activity 26-4, #s 13-20; this activity sheet will be due at the beginning of class for a grade.

    Friday, January 28th

Students will be given a WWII Vocabulary & Facts packet to begin working on in class; we will go over the instructions together in class including the fact that this assignment will be due next Tuesday, February 1st.

Have a great weekend!! Gets lots of rest and come back next week ready to work! Our World War II exam is on the horizon!