Green Team math classes have worked with ratios & unit rates since returning from the holiday break. Students took a short pop quiz on Friday to assess where they are with their learning and I was pleased with their results.
This week classes will learn how to convert customary measurements using ratios. The end of the week will bring us a test on ratios, unit rates, and measurement conversions.
Monday, January 14th……Problem Solving Practice “Rates”; all problems
Problem Solving Practice – Rates HW for 1-14-20130001
Tuesday, January 15th……Textbook pg. 789 #1-8; use this handout to help you!!! We will grade for PROCESS not for the correct answer so you MUST SHOW THE PROCESS OF HOW YOU CALCULATED YOUR ANSWER!!!
Notes for Converting Measurements Using Ratios
Wednesday, January 16th…..Textbook pg. 790, #9-20; grade will be given for SHOWING THE PROCESS and for the correct answer
Thursday, January 17th……Study Guide for Ratios, Rates, and Converting Measurements using Ratios; completed Study Guide due in class before test
Study Guide for Rates Ratios Measurement Conversio
Friday, January 18th……Test on Rates, Ratios, and Converting Measurements using Ratios
Have a terrific weekend!! Enjoy the Crimson Celebration Parade in Tuscaloosa!! See you there!!!