We began our unit on Fractions today in class! We took notes in our notebook on some vocabulary words like proper fraction, improper fraction, and mixed number. We also reviewed how to convert an improper fraction into a mixed number. I have attached the notes we took today in class below.
We began working our classwork together as a whole group. Here are a couple of the ones we worked together:
Students were asked to complete this sheet for homework.
Students reviewed how to determine the Greatest Common Factor today in class. This is a skill that was learned in 5th grade, however we are reviewing it to get ready for our fractions unit. Here are the notes we took in class:
We also worked a few examples together as a whole class to ensure everyone remembered the proper steps. Here are some examples we worked together:
We will have our BIG GOLD TEST tomorrow, Wednesday, September 10th, on adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimals! You need to have two things before the test tomorrow:
#1 Your Study Guide #2 completed on BOTH sides!!! Staple your scratch work to the back!
#2 Your Extra Credit opportunity colored correctly! I do not want your scratch paper!
Students worked on their study guide for their next gold assessment today in class. Study Guide #2 will be due on Wednesday, Sept 11th. Here is their study guide and it is front & back:
Students were also given an Extra Credit opportunity to work on this week as we prepare for our gold test. Everyone should have their copy in their binders. The Extra Credit is also due on the day of their gold assessment, Wednesday, September 11th!
Today we began learning the proper procedures for Decimal Division. I have attached the notes we took during class. We worked many examples together in our math notebook. Homework was assigned (Decimal Division, p9) and I have also attached it below.
Students reviewed the procedures for proper decimal multiplication today in class. Students took notes on their graphic organizer from earlier last week and we also worked several examples together to make sure everyone understood the procedure. Here are the notes we took together in class:
We worked a variety of examples together…….
Students were given about 10 minutes of class time to begin (and hopefully finish) this assignment in class. Students were encouraged to show their work on each problem!
Students began learning Divisibility Rules today in class by creating a foldable with the rules in them. Here is a copy of what students copied down from the whiteboard:
Today students were given a study guide in order to help them prepare for our first gold test tomorrow, Friday, August 23rd! We have been discussing the skills that will be assessed on this test all week. We also wrote these skills on the board so we could make sure we were reviewing everything before Friday. Here is a picture of what we have been discussing each day:
We completed our PowerUps for the day and then students were given the majority of the class period to complete this study guide. I encouraged them to use their math notebooks as a resource. I pulled small groups of students to my desk to work together to ensure the understanding of procedure & accuracy. Here is the study guide students were given today in class:
We talked through the entire study guide, focusing specifically on the word problems. We drew visuals on the whiteboard for students to make sure they understood what each problem was asking.
Study guides are due tomorrow in class before we begin the test. They will be for a grade in the gradebook.
We focused on using long division in word problems today in class! Students worked together whole group to make sure everyone understood each step in the long division process. We also worked a variety of problems that made us stop and make sure of what each question asked us to do! We definitely learned it’s important to pay attention to how questions are worded!
Our first BIG GOLD TEST will be this Friday, August 23rd. These are the skills that will be assessed on that test:
In addition, students will need to know some vocabulary words for Friday’s test. Here are the long division vocabulary words we have worked on in class:
No homework tonight except begin studying for Friday’s GOLD TEST!