Redemption Codes for Online Student Textbook


Students were given a letter today in class that outlines the procedures for online redemption of your student’s online textbook from McGraw-Hill. The letter contains the Redemption Code that you will need to activate your student’s textbook. I have included a copy of that letter below on my blog in case the one I gave your student does not make it home.

Please note that as you begin this process, you & your student are considered a new student. I have placed a big star beside the set of instructions you will need to follow. In addition, I have placed 3 stars beside some verbage that is very important. THE ONLY TIME YOU WILL SEE YOUR USERNAME & PASSWORD IS WHEN YOU ARE REGISTERING YOUR STUDENT FOR THIS TEXTBOOK!!! With this in mind, I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO WRITE DOWN YOUR USERNAME & PASSWORD and keep up with it for future reference. I have reminded students I have no access, no list, absolutely no way of “looking up” student’s usernames & passwords. If you lose track of it, you will have to contact the textbook company directly in order to re-gain access to your student’s online textbook.

Once you have access to your student’s textbook, please take some time to explore the textbook with your student! There are a multitude of wonderful resources for students to utilize as they work at home on different topics!

Student Redemption Code for Online Textbook

Week of October 22-26

Where has October gone? Students on the Green Team are preparing to begin an intensive study of fractions, but before we do, I think it prudent to review Divisibility Rules and Least Common Denominator (also known as Least Common Multiple). With those skills in mind, here is what Green Team students have in store for the week ahead:

Monday, October 22nd……..Lesson 5-1 Divisibility Patterns #1-24; I will give one bonus point per item for #25-30 for those students willing to find a number that fits the descriptions outlined in #25-30!
Lesson 5-1 Divisibility Patterns HW for 10-22-12
Tuesday, October 23rd…….Lesson 4-1 Practice B all problems
Lesson 4-1 Practice B HW for 10-23-2012
Wednesday, October 24th…… homework
Thursday, October 25th……..complete Study Guide for Divisibility Rules & GCF test on Friday
Study Guide for Divisibility Rules & GCF quiz (front)
Study Guide for Divisibility Rules & GCF quiz (back)
Friday, October 26th……..possible quiz on equations, GCF, Divisibility Rules, and LCD

Hope the weekend is restful & relaxing!!!
Roll Tide!!!!!

Week of October 15-19

Students will be learning how to balance equations this week as we begin our 2nd Nine Weeks at HMS! Remember: everything on each side of the equal marks has to be balanced! Look back over your examples we worked together in class if you are not sure!

MONDAY, October 15th……Skills Practice “Equations” #1-12; please use the chart and work through all values for your variables; place a star by your answer
SP Equations #1-12 HW for Monday Night 10-15-12
Balanced Equations Chart
TUESDAY, October 16th……textbook page 316, ONLY #20, #21, #26, #27, #30, and #31; we worked through many of these in class so many students should already have them completed!
WEDNESDAY, October 17th…….Greatest Common Factor worksheet, #1-18
GCF worksheet HW for 10-17-2012

Week of October 8-12

Students will continue reviewing their skills with Order of Operations this week as we prepare for our First Nine Weeks Benchmark exam on Friday, October 12th. Students will also work with algebra as they begin considering letters in place of numbers in their math problems.

Please make every effort to be at school on Friday for your exam!!

Monday, October 8th…….Glencoe Homework Practice “Numerical Expressions” #1-15 only
Homework Practice Numerical Expressions HW for 10-8-12
Tuesday, October 9th……Glencoe ReTeach “Algebra: Variables & Expressions” – all problems ***Benchmark Study Guide will also be given out today during class so students may begin preparing for exam***
First Nine Weeks Study Guide Part 1
First Nine Weeks Study Guide Part 2
ReTeach Algebra Var and Exp HW for 10-9-2012
Wednesday, October 10th……Glencoe Skills Practice “Algebra: Variables & Expressions” *Students will begin work in class; whatever is not finished is to be completed for homework; continue working on Benchmark Study Guide
Thursday, October 11th…….complete Benchmark Study Guide and review it to prepare for exam on Friday
Friday, October 12th…….Benchmark Study Guide due; First Nine Weeks Exam

You have worked hard this week!! Enjoy your weekend!!

Week of October 1-5

Students received their graded test papers back today in class. Please ask to see your student’s test and make note of any mistakes they may have made in their computations.

Our focus of study this week will center on exponents & order of operations. As students may remember, there is a very specific order in which we solve expressions (PEMDAS) and as we review these rules, students will also be introduced to a wee bit of algebra in the process!

Monday, October 1st……make corrections to Decimals test; students will benefit from re-working computational errors to pinpoint where they made mistakes
Tuesday, October 2nd……ReTeach from Glencoe #1-14
ReTeach Worksheet for 10-2-2012
Wednesday, October 3rd……Exponents worksheet (front & back)
Exponent HW for 10-3-2012 front page
Exponent HW for 10-3-2012 back page
Thursday, October 4th……none
Friday, October 5th……none

Enjoy your Friday night football this week!!
And oh yeah………ROLL TIDE!!!!!!

Week of September 24 – 28

Dividing decimals by decimals will be our focus of study this week. We are looking forward to a big test on Friday, Sept 28th that will cover adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing with decimals.

Monday, September 24……ReTeach Dividing Decimals by Decimals #1-6
ReTeach Dividing Decimals by Decimals 9-24-2012
Tuesday, September 25……Skills Practice Divide Decimals by Decimals #1-10
Skills Practice Dividing Decimals by Decimals 9-25-2012
Wednesday, September 26……Study Guide for test on Friday
Thursday, September 27……Study Guide for test on Friday
Friday, September 28……Test on Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying & Dividing with Decimals

Hope your weekend is terrific…….and Roll Tide!!!!!

Week of September 17 – 21

This week on the Green Team we will review our skills with dividing decimals with whole numbers and with other decimals. As we focus more on the Common Core Standards, students will begin to apply the methods & procedures we learn during class to real-world situations.

Monday, September 17th……Panther PowerUps Quiz as homework; all problems
Panther PowerUp Quiz for HW
Tuesday, September 18th……Glencoe Skills Practice #1-10
Glencoe Skills Practice HW 9-18-2012
Wednesday, September 19th……Dividing Decimals by Decimals worksheet; all problems
Dividing Decimals by Decimals HW 9-19-2012
Thursday, September 20th……TBA (to be announced)
Friday, September 21st……none

Have a terrific weekend! Hope your favorite team wins!!
Roll Tide!!

Week of September 10th – 14th

Adding, subtracting, and multiplying decimals will be the focus of our study this week. I am planning for our first big test later this week on Friday. It will cover place value, rounding, adding & subtracting decimals, as well as multiplying decimals.

Monday, Sept 10th…..Adding & Subtracting Decimals all problems
****** Students remember!! You must show your work!!! *********
Click here for a copy of tonight’s homework! Monday Night HW 9-10-12
Tuesday, Sept 11th……Lesson 1-1 C pg. 19 all problems
Click here for a copy of tonight’s homework Lesson 1-1 C HW for 9-11-2012
Wednesday, Sept 12th….Lesson 1-1 C pg. 20 all problems
Click here for a copy of tonight’s homework!Lesson 1-1 E pg 20
Thursday, Sept 13th…..Complete study guide for test
Friday, Sept 14th…….Test on Place Value, Rounding & Decimals

What terrific weather we are having this week!! Get out and get some sunshine on your face!!!