Week of January 23-27

Students on the Green Team are getting ready for a MAJOR test on Fractions this Wednesday, January 25th! Skills that will be tested include adding fractions, subtracting fractions, multiplying fractions, and dividing fractions. Some of these skills were learned early in December and we are finding that we are very rusty with adding & subtracting fractions! I hope that the intensive review we are doing Monday & Tuesday helps refresh everyone’s memory while sharpening those skills to test-ready levels!!

Students were given an Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division Study Sheet with specific rules to follow when working with fractions. Students were also given a Fractions Test Review Sheet to complete in 2 parts for homework. PLEASE work with your student to ensure that his/her homework is complete each night and to mark any problems they have questions about. We always take questions each class about the previous night’s homework but I don’t know if anyone needs help if no one asks any questions!!

Monday, January 23rd……….Fractions Test Review Sheet #1-12 only
Tuesday, January 24th………Fractions Test Review Sheet #11-25 only
Wednesday, January 25th…….completed Fractions Test Review Sheet is due in class for a grade BEFORE TEST BEGINS!!
Thursday, January 26th……..Workbook pg 30, #10-20 only
Friday, January 27th……….no homework

Have a great weekend!!!