Thursday, January 28th

Shifting gears a little bit…

We are learned how to convert fractions to decimals today in class. Our notes consisted of 2 words:  JUST DIVIDE!!!

We watched a quick video from Math Antics. I’ve posted a link to the video here:

Math Antics Converting Fractions to Decimals

Homework for tonight is from our Textbook, pg. 206, #1-10. If you cannot access your electronic textbook, I’ve included a screen shot of the problems students have been assigned. Complete them on looseleaf paper (or in your math journal if you happened to take it home) and have it ready to grade tomorrow!

Textbook pg 206 #1-10


Tuesday, January 26th

Students practiced the use of scaling today in class in order to create Equivalent Ratios within a ratio table. Scaling involves multiplying or dividing two related quantities by the same number. In class today, we learned that we might have to “scale down” and then “scale up” in order to calculate the ratio we are looking for. Ask your child about it!


Problem Solving Practice Ratio Tables HW for 1-26-2016

Monday, January 25th

Our focus of study today moved on to Ratio Tables! Students practiced how to populate a ratio table using one of two methods:

Method 1:  Find a relationship and extend the pattern

Method 2:  Find a direct relationship and apply that relationship to both the top and bottom of the ratio table.

We worked examples from the textbook (Chapter 3, Section 2-A) together as a class (Animations & Personal Tutors). Your student received a letter home within the last 2 weeks with very simple directions on how to set up their electronic textbook at home. In case your student lost their letter, here’s another copy of it with my Redemption Code. Every student uses the same code but once you register, your student will have their own personal Username & Password. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE make sure you write both these items down & keep them where your student can readily find them to login to their electronic textbook!

Electronic Textbook Redemption Letter & Code


Textbook, pg. 166, #1-2 and #5-8

Textbook pg. 166 #1-2 and #5-8

Wednesday, January 20th


Our big test on Ratios, Rates, and Unit Rates is Thursday, January 21st!  Our class worked very hard completing an “in-class” study guide which covered all the skills we’ve learned since returning from Christmas break. A study guide came home tonight for homework. Students should be proficient with the skills on the study guide for successful completion of our gold test tomorrow!

Study Guide for Ratios Rates Unit Rates gold test

Tuesday, January 19th

GOLD TEST THIS THURSDAY!!!!!  Skills on this test will include setting up a ratio from a given set of information, setting up a rate from a given set of information, and calculating a unit rate once a rate is set up.  Super short study guide to come home Wednesday afternoon.

Perfecting our skills on calculating unit rate for classwork and homework today! Remember to set up the rate first (with labels!!) and then calculate the unit rate (unit rate is always written with a denominator of 1).


The Best Buy (front and back) HW for 1-19-2016


Thursday, January 14th


We will have a PowerUps Quiz tomorrow and it will cover all the PowerUps we have had since 1-5-2016 through today!  Review and be ready!

Homework tonight consists of finding the rate and unit rates of various scenarios. Students should create the Rate first and then calculate the Unit Rate second.

*Refer to Wednesday Night’s blog for examples how to complete

Skills Practice Rates HW for 1-14-2016


Wednesday, January 13th

Students have been working with ratios since we returned from Christmas and I believe we are beginning to be “old pros” working with ratios…..yeah!!!!

Today we moved into Rates (still a ratio) and Unit Rates. Students took down a lot of notes and a lot of examples in their math notebooks. Here’s what they took down from the whiteboard:

Rates & Unit Rates notes pg1

Rates & Unit Rates notes pg2

Rates & Unit Rates notes pg3



Enjoy your evening!!!!  And Roll Tide!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, January 7th

We are still working on creating Equivalent Ratios embedded in a word problem! Students worked very hard today in class interpreting the meaning behind certain words and building their ratios based on the wording in certain problems.

The attached sheet is double-sided. We worked page 5 together as a whole class, underlining certain parts of the problem, determining what the problem is really asking us, and then creating our ratios. Good concentrated work from my classes today!

Two things to remember while you are working your homework:

  1. Determine the relationship of the two #s you KNOW!!!!!
  2. What is the problem asking you for? Have you really answered the question being asked?

CW and HW Equivalent Ratios from 1-7-2016