Students received their graded test papers back today in class. Please ask to see your student’s test and make note of any mistakes they may have made in their computations.
Our focus of study this week will center on exponents & order of operations. As students may remember, there is a very specific order in which we solve expressions (PEMDAS) and as we review these rules, students will also be introduced to a wee bit of algebra in the process!
Monday, October 1st……make corrections to Decimals test; students will benefit from re-working computational errors to pinpoint where they made mistakes
Tuesday, October 2nd……ReTeach from Glencoe #1-14
ReTeach Worksheet for 10-2-2012
Wednesday, October 3rd……Exponents worksheet (front & back)
Exponent HW for 10-3-2012 front page
Exponent HW for 10-3-2012 back page
Thursday, October 4th……none
Friday, October 5th……none
Enjoy your Friday night football this week!!
And oh yeah………ROLL TIDE!!!!!!