Week of April 1-5

I laid out a challenge to all my classes last week: I challenged every class to have ZERO missing assignments at the end of each week! I am continuing to post sticky notes on my “Wanted Assignments” poster to encourage students to not let missing assignments go unaddressed! Please help your student stay on top of this as well!

We began our Geometry Unit last week with the study of the coordinate plane, ordered pairs, positive & negative integers and absolute value. Our focus this week will be on lines, angles and triangles. We will progress through this material at a fairly quick pace so please don’t miss any of your math classes for the next 3 weeks!

Monday, April 1……..Homework Practice (front) & Skills Practice (back) all problems
Homework Prac Points, Lines, and Planes HW for 4-1-2013
Skills Practice Points, Lines, and Panes HW for 4-1-2013
Tuesday, April 2…….Homework Practice Measure Angles; only classify angles with their names; no measure of degrees required
Homework Practice Measure Angles HW for 4-2-2013
Wednesday, April 3…..Skills Practice “Angle Relationships”
Skills Practice Angle Relationships HW for 4-3-2013
Thursday, April 4……
Friday, April 5……..

Have a great week!